Important updates re: vehicular access
Due to changes in school infrastructure and on H&S grounds, please be advised of a number of changes regarding vehicular access:
– parking during the school day on school grounds will, from now on, be strictly limited to staff & to visitors to the school office. NB Students will not be permitted to park vehicles on-site.
– there will no longer be vehicular access to the side of the school where the prefabs were (with the exception of construction traffic). Our new tennis/outdoor basketball courts will be in this area.
– please be advised that parking directly in front of the new building will not be permitted due to on-going work and to maintain access routes for emergency and for deliveries.
And a gentle remnder about the following:
– the carpark directly in front of the school remains for staff parking only – please do not access this area for morning drop-off/ after-school collection.
– the drop-off/collection area will continue to be available to parents/guardians at drop-off/collection times.
– traffic coming from and going to the main school building has priority – please enter and exit the drop-off/collection area with care
– where possible, students should be in school by 8.50am so that they have adequate time to get to class on time – this also helps with traffic flow.
– your continued vigiliance for the safety of our students and staff in keeping speed down is appreciated. There are a numnber of blind-spots especially when sun can dazzle drivers coming up the hill and students crossing may not be alert to traffic – please drive especially carefully.
Further info will issue as traffic management protocols may arise. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding while we move ‘safely’ to our new school footprint.