
Info re: academic year 2024/25

Calendar & return dates: Click here
School day: Monday to Thursday 9am-3.55pm / Friday 9am-1.15pm
Uniform requirements: Click here
Junior Cycle Schoolbooks Scheme: Click here

Payments for academic year 2024/25: For your convenience, all payments can be made on-line on ‘Way2pay’. This facility allows payment in full or in instalments and gives you up-to-date balance on your account etc. You can also print your receipts as you make payments. You will receive a link by SMS once bills are live on system. In the interest of security and H&S, we are operating a ‘cashless’ policy – so if possible please use the online system. However, if this poses a difficulty for you, please contact our school secretary who will be able to advise you.

Student Levy: Individual student €80 / Two students per family €140 / Three or more per family €160. This levy is to cover 24 hour Personal accident insurance and subsidises cost of photocopying, of extra- & co-curricular activities, of text messaging service and other school costs etc. This applies to all students including TY.

Lockers: €20 per year. Only padlocks provided by the school can be used. Monies collected for rental of lockers will be used for maintenance of lockers and padlocks and also other student facilities. TY students do not require lockers.

Senior Cycle Book Rental (fifth year only): €150. This payment covers the two year senior cycle programme.
Other year groups, books will be provided by the school with no fee payable.
Books (Junior and Senior Cycle) remain the property of the school. Parents/Guardians will be responsible for cost of replacing lost or damaged books.

Mock exams & State exams (3rd & 6th year only): Third Year €30 / Sixth Year €120 – payable by end of Jan 2025. Please note that the Mock exams are compulsory and form an integral part of our assessment practices. Leaving cert mocks are corrected by external correctors so as to acquire objective, independent evaluation and feedback. This fee is not due until January 2025 – however, it is posted now so as to allow the option to pay now or to pay in instalments. NB Up to recent years, the State Examinations Commission would charge a fee for sitting the Junior Cert and Leaving Cert exams. If this is reintroduced, medical card holders will be able to apply for waiver of same. Further info from SEC will issue in Spring 2025. (Please note that there is no waiver for Mock Exam fees.)

Other info:

Canteen facilities: Our canteen is managed by ‘The School Food Company’. Canteen reopening Tuesday 27h August.

VSware Parent app: please use the vsware app for communication regarding absences and also to log on to access student reports. Click here for details: Downloading the VSware app and logging in

Contact details: It is imperative that the school has access to parents/guardians in an emergency situation. (Please ensure that you provide a number at which you are contactable during the day. In some cases where parents’ mobiles are off while at work, parents should leave a work number also and it will be only used in an emergency.) Where you foresee that there could be an issue reaching a parent/guardian, please leave a number of another nominated adult who can be contacted in the case of being unable to make contact with parent/guardian.

Access to school building: All visitors must report to main office which is just inside the main entrance of the school building. Other entrances are for students and staff only. For drop-off and collection of students, please use the visitors’ carpark only (area to right at top of hill). The students’ entrance is adjacent to this area. Please note that the staff carpark (area in front of main entrance) is strictly for staff use only or for anyone attending appointments in the school. Where possible, students should be in school by 8.50am so that they have adequate time to get to class on time – this also helps with traffic flow. Your continued vigiliance for the safety of our students and staff in keeping speed down is appreciated. There are a numnber of blind-spots especially when sun can dazzle drivers coming up the hill and students crossing may not be alert to traffic – please drive with extretme care on school graounds and entering/exiting at main gate.

Supervision of students: For your information, please note the following regarding supervision of students. Morning supervision of students: Students will be supervised from 8.45a.m. as per the allocation provided under the Supervision & Substitution scheme of the Department of Education and Skills. Students at school before that time will be given access to the school building but will not be supervised. Please take note that no responsibility is accepted by the school for pupils who arrive before 8.45a.m. or for students who having arrived on campus, absent themselves again. Classes begin at 9am. Supervision at break and lunch times: Students are supervised during the morning and lunch breaks. After-school: When school finishes (Mondays-Thursdays at 3.55p.m. or at 1.15pm Fridays) students should leave the campus in a timely fashion, unless they are involved in an extra-curricular activity, co-curricular activity, supervised study or extra classes. Students who remain on the campus some evenings waiting to be collected are not supervised. Students involved in an after-school activity or extra-curricular or co-curricular activity should be collected promptly after the activities conclude.

Mobile phone use: Students are not allowed to use mobile phones at any time during the school day between 9am and 3.55pm (or 1.15pm on Fridays). Any phones seen or heard will be confiscated. Any student who needs to contact home during the school day must report to the office and a call will be made from there. Students may be given permission to use phones in class on occasion for Teaching & Learning purposes. However, there is no requirement for any student to have a phone. If access to technology is required, access to a laptop or PC will be provided.

SCC learning platform Microsoft Office 365: All Scariff Community College students have school email addresses ( and have MS Office 365 accounts provided by LCETB. By using MS Office 365 & One Drive, students can access their saved work remotely – so from home, they can easily access and continue on work done in school and vice versa. Log on details will be sent to parents/guardians of new incoming students in the near future. NB The student password is confidential to your son/daughter and must be kept securely. Please note that communication between parents/guardians and school staff should be via the school office via phonecall or email. The Teams direct chat message facility is for student/teacher communication only.

School office: please note that the school office will be closed from Friday 26th July and will reopen Monday 19th August 2024.

We wish all our students, current and incoming, and their families a lovely summer break.