
Junior Cycle Schoolbooks Scheme 2024/25

For the 2024/25 school year all students in Junior Cycle years will be provided with schoolbooks and certain other resources such as the core classroom requirements of copybooks, calculator etc. These will be provided early in the academic year 2024/25.
All schoolbooks and core classroom resources provided under the new scheme will remain the property of the school, so that they can be reused in future years (where applicable).
Schoolbooks will be provided on loan to students for the duration of the 2024/25 school year and must be returned to school at the end of the school year/at the end of the 3 years of Junior Cycle as applicable.
Please remind your children to take care of their schoolbooks and classroom resources and keep them in good condition during the period that they are in their possession. It is not permitted to write on schoolbooks.
There may be some additional classroom resources that are not covered by the scheme eg requirements for practical subjects. Details of any additional requirements (if any) will be communicated to parents/guardians on return to school. Please note that pencilcase and contents such as pencils, pens, ruler etc are not provided. Also, the cost of Mock exams (Third years) is not covered and will still be payable by parents/guardians.
In the case of our school, as we have a book rental scheme, it will in essence run in the same mannerwithout the fee. Please note however that parents/guardians will be responsible to pay for the replacement of any lost or damaged books. (All books will be bar-coded and scanned as they are assigned to facilitate easy tracking of stock).
Book rental will run as usual for Senior Cycle students – the above schoolbooks scheme is for Junior Cycle students only.

Junior Cycle Schoolbooks Scheme