
Leaving Cert Examinations 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Information regarding the upcoming examinations has already been shared with students. For your info:

Leaving Certificate 2023 – Reminders and Regulations Scariff Community College

Have an exam timetable – available online at LC Timetable 2023
Please be sure to check times and dates of exams carefully and look at this with parent/guardian at home.
There will be no access to school buildings for study etc. during the State Examinations. You need to have transport/ collections etc arranged carefully.
Know your exam number – you won’t be writing your name or school name on an exam script.
Full and proper uniform to be worn for the duration of the State Exams.
Day 1 you need to be in the Exam Centre at least 30 minutes before the exam. Please allow plenty time so that you have a chance to check for your name on the notices on the exam centre/room doors.
On all other days you should be there 15 minutes before exam starts. Latecomers will not be allowed into the exam centre once 30 minutes has elapsed.
The Supervisor will assign you a seat and you must always follow their instruction.
Equipment – Make sure you have all the correct equipment organised well in advance – borrowing of equipment is not allowed. You need to check you have the right calculator and organise drawing equipment for DCG etc including drawing boards.
Log tables will be supplied -you do not bring your own into exam hall.
Mobile Phones and smart watches are not allowed. There will be a clock in every exam centre.
Toilet breaks are at the discretion of the Supervisor, and these should be kept to a minimum to minimize disruption to others in the exam centre. You quietly put raise your hand to gain the attention of the supervisor ask for permission to use the bathroom – they will need to note this on your exam script.
There should be no students leaving the Exam Hall before the time is up. Leaving early causes disruption to everyone. You have studied these subjects for the last number of years so using the total time is important.
Be very careful with the presentation of your work – neat hand writing , basic grammar rules capital letters, punctuation and use of paragraphs where relevant. Outside examiners will correct your work they may not be familiar with your own style of handwriting etc so be very attentive to this.
This year many of your subjects are being scanned for the correction process – pencil should only be used for drawings or where a teacher has advised, as it may not scan properly. All work needs to be contained within the margins on the pages and there are pages at the end of all your answer booklets where you need extra space to finish an answer. Just be careful to label this work properly so that the examiner knows what it relates to.
Remember to attempt all questions – don’t leave blanks if a question is particularly challenging it is possibly very challenging for everyone, so you need to use the information that you have to give it your best shot.
No food is allowed in the exam hall and water is at the discretion of the supervisor.
No talking or communication with other students – any breach of exam regulations will be taken very seriously.
Remember that Ms Mc Namara and Ms Kenneally will be in the school during exams – do not hesitate to contact them if you need anything during the exams or if there is any issue. Easiest way to make contact is via teams chat facility.
Normal school rules apply – you need to be polite and courteous as you always are – do your best in all your exams and when you have one exam done, leave it behind you and move on – just focus on the next one.
School buses will operate morning and evening – at times so as to have students in school in time for morning exam and will leave once last exam of the day is over.
May 2023 @Scariff Community College

For full version of State Examinations Code of Conduct during exams, please see
There is also a useful ‘Tips for Candidates’ information video available HERE

Very best of luck to all.