
Mastermind – Independent Learning & Study Skills Seminar – Fifth years

Dear Parent/Guardian,
The Guidance Department has organised a Study Skills seminar to help 5th year students re-establish some good study habits. Topics covered include:
Efficient Learning (Core strategies to aid learning and revision; the optimum learning environment, note taking, interleaved practice, the Spacing Effect, Forget to Learn Theory and Retrieval Practice)
Marginal Gains (strategies to improve personal performance; collaboration, problem solving, research skills and time management tools).
Mindset Matters (examining ability beliefs and approaches to challenges)
The Malleable Brain (the basics of brain biology and its link to learning; the differences in storage and retrieval strength in memory and why multisensory learning is important)
Flyer available by clicking here: Mastermind
This two-hour workshop will take place during the school day on Thursday January 19th and all 5th years are strongly encouraged to attend. The cost to the student is €7 (the usual cost is double this but the school is subsidising the cost as it is felt that attendance at this workshop will prove very useful for students.) Each student will receive a Workbook and Planner. (Please note that this is not the same workshop as students did while in Junior Cycle.) A Way2Pay link will issue today via text message to pay online or alternatively payment can be made at the school office by end of day on Friday 13th January. Thank you.
Aoibheann Byrt
(Guidance Counsellor)