
Stand Up Awareness Week

Students and Staff at Scariff Community College are recognising the LGBTQ+ community by participating in a national awareness campaign run by BeLonGTo Youth Services.
Stand Up Awareness Week is November 14th-18th and the theme for this year is taking a stand against homophobic, biphobic and transphobic language.
#Choose Words that Heal, Not Hurt.
During this week, SCC will show solidarity with LGBTQ+ young people to ensure they feel seen, heard, and safe.
Events include: raising of the LGBTQ+ Progress Flag, a Baking Competition, a Table Quiz and a Wear the Rainbow Colour Day. Scariff CC is working towards achieving the QMark as part of the Safe and Supportive Schools’ (SASS) Programme. Participating in Stand Up Week is one of the many initiatives that the SASS committee organise within the school. For further information, visit and