

Scariff  Community College is a Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board multi denominational and co-educational post-primary school.

Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board schools provide an inclusive, student-centred and holistic education to students in our communities. Our schools, through excellence in education, aim to enable every student to realise their potential through the provision of highly supportive school communities that nurture students’ intellectual, cultural, personal, social, emotional, moral and physical development.

Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board schools recognise, respect and celebrate the identity of all of our students equally and are acknowledged as having a significant influence in promoting diversity – reflective of our changing society.All Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board schools are funded by the Department of Education and Skills.

Chief Executive: Ms Bernadette Cullen



It is our policy to view the development of the student in the widest possible sense, seeking to provide a learning experience both of a formal and informal nature which will lead to the development of the total personality of the student. Through a broad curriculum we seek to facilitate the development of our students, so that each may leave the College equipped with good life skills.

We are conscious that the traditional interpretation of what constitutes an intelligent human being has often been too narrow and has sometimes been interpreted in strictly cognitive terms, ignoring other critical elements of intelligent human behaviour whether of a social, emotional, psycho -motor, moral or physical nature. In providing a balanced curriculum, we aim to redress that traditional shortcoming. The development, therefore, of a knowledgeable, analytical, confident, articulate student who has a good moral sense, a well developed internal discipline, a positive and proactive social awareness, tolerant of difference, courteous and empathetic, is the essential core of what we pursue. That is our mission.

There is a definite consciousness that such development cannot take place in isolation from either the parents or the wider community. Consequently, it is part of the philosophy of our school to work in intimate harmony with both agencies, nurturing and being nurtured in the process.

Our school motto is ‘Beart de réir ár mbriathar’ – Action according to our word.

It is our objective to be a caring school in the pursuit of excellence.


Scariff Community College is a Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board multi denominational and co-educational post-primary school. The College is situated on 20 acres of beautifully wooded grounds located in a rural setting close to Lough Derg.

The history of our school dates back to the original vocational school in 1941. A new building was completed in 1981. The building was completely renovated and modernised in 2007. We are currently in the process of adding an extension which will comprise of three state of the art specialist rooms – an Engineering room, a Construction room a Music room  – and three general purpose classrooms.

Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board schools provide an inclusive, student-centred and holistic education to students in our communities. Our schools, through excellence in education, aim to enable every student to realise their potential through the provision of highly supportive school communities that nurture students’ intellectual, cultural, personal, social, emotional, moral and physical development.

Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board schools recognise, respect and celebrate the identity of all of our students equally and are acknowledged as having a significant influence in promoting diversity – reflective of our changing society.

All Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board schools are funded by the Department of Education and Skills.

The Board of Management

The Members of the BOM of Scariff Community College are as follows :

LCETB nominees: Cllr. Antoinette Baker Bashua, Cllr. Pat Hayes, Mr. Michael McNamara MEP

Staff nominees: Ms. Kollette O’Driscoll, Mr. Conor Breen

Parents’ nominees: Ms. Franci Corbett, Mr. Eamonn Hurley

Secretary: Ms. Angela Murphy McNamara

Recording secretary: Mr. Jack O’Connell

A board of management for an ETB school has a clear remit to manage that school on behalf of the ETB, in accordance with legislation; Department of Education and Skills (DES) circulars, guidelines and procedures; and any policies or strategies that the ETB may establish regarding the operation of its schools.

The functions of a board may, in the main, be categorised under three different headings:

  • Policy setting and strategic planning
  • Monitoring the implementation of policy, strategy and plans
  • Supporting the principal and his/her staff

Our Ethos

Our Ethos

All ETB schools are State, Co-Educational, and Multi-Denominational. ETB ethos is underpinned by the core values of Excellence in Education, Care, Respect, Equality and Community.

What is ethos? 

Ethos is how we live, work, and relate to each other in our school community. While it encompasses the curriculum and how it is taught, ethos relates to our shared core values, to the hidden curriculum, to decision making processes and to the relationships that underpin the daily life of our school culture.

Our school expresses our uniqueness through our mission and vision statements.

Professional Development on implementing ETB Ethos

Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board is committed to implementing Education and Training Board Ireland’s (ETBI) ethos framework across its schools and colleges.

A Professional Learning Network for Ethos has been established by our patron – Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board. A member of our teaching staff attends this group. They meet regularly with the LCETB’s Ethos Coordinator to share best practice.

The initial focus of our Ethos Coordinator is on raising awareness and understanding of ETB ethos with all members of the school community. ETBI has consulted widely across the sector and produced a Framework for Ethos. This document outlines ETB ethos and specifies the standards that all ETB schools should strive for.

Student Support Team

Student Support Team 

 The Student Support Team is designed to specifically support and assist students in our school with personal issues that they may encounter. These issues may range from helping a student cope with particularly stressful situations to a student who may be considered at risk. This team is made up of teachers who have a wide range of expertise in these areas. 

 The team comprises of; Principal, Deputy Principal, Year Head representative, AEN Team members, Guidance Counsellor and other key teaching staff. This team meets weekly to discuss the supports that can be put in place for students who may be experiencing difficulties.  Confidential support is given directly or indirectly to students who most require it. The Guidance Counsellor has a caring and supportive role in the school where students can get advice and supports about a range of issues. The Guidance Counsellor is on hand to meet with students in a confidential environment where they can be cared for and supported throughout their time in the school. We would encourage students to seek this support when needed. 


Critical Incident Management Team – CIMT 

Scariff Community College have a critical incident management plan and team. This helps Scariff Community College to cope when a critical incident happens. A critical incident is any incident or sequence of events which overwhelms the normal coping mechanisms of the school 

The types of critical incidents experienced by schools range from the death of a member of the school community through illness, suicide or accidental death to physical assaults or serious damage to school property. 




Scariff Community College attend to prevention by having systems in place which help to promote emotional health and wellbeing and which build resilience in both staff and students, thus preparing them to cope with a range of life events. 

Mental health promotion is a vital element of this work. Mental health has been defined in the following ways: 


“A state of emotional and social wellbeing in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can manage  

the normal stresses of life, can work effectively, and is able to play a role in his or her community” 

(WHO, 1999). 


“The emotional and spiritual resilience which enables us to enjoy life and to survive pain, disappointment  

and sadness” 

 (HEA, 1997). 


Preperation & Planning  

The key to managing critical incidents is forward planning. Having a plan enables staff to react quickly and effectively and to maintain a sense of control. It may also ensure that normality returns as soon as possible and that the effects on students and staff are limited 

NEPS is a school support service and is in a unique position as it delivers almost all of its services in the school. The assigned school psychologist will usually be involved in supporting Scariff Community College’s response to any critical incident. 


Scariff Community College CIMT team involves several key staff members who are assigned different roles and responsibilities during a critical incident. All staff members are aware of the SCC Critical incident plan.