Student Attendance and Recording Procedures

Student Attendance and Recording Procedures

Please download and use VSware app to communicate with office regarding attendance VSWare Parent App Downloading & logging in

Students must attend school all day, every day. Absence to be explained via vsware app or journal with reason for absence. The College is obliged, under the Educational (Welfare) Act 2000, to inform the relevant authorities of all absences exceeding 20 days. Parents/guardians are obliged under Section 18 of the Educational (Welfare) Act 2000 to provide this information.

Students who miss morning roll call: If students arrive after 9.00am they must go to the office to sign in. Their journal will be stamped.

Signing out: Use vsware app or Note in journal/Appointment card to request permission to leave school during the school day must be presented to Year Head or Deputy Principal or Principal. Students must be signed out by a parent/guardian and also the Principal, Deputy Principal or Year Head Students who are sick:

Students who are sick must report to the office and if they are not well enough to remain in school, parents/guardians will be phoned from office. Students are not permitted to ring home directly themselves. A student may only be signed out with the permission of the Principal or Deputy Principal or Year Head.