

Brief overview of the subject:

Junior Cycle Music

The first year program is designed to give pupils a basic grounding in music theory in preparation for the Junior Certificate.

Students study:

·       Notation

·       Sol-fa

·       Chord construction

·       Dictation (rhythmic and melodic)

·       The Orchestra

·       Music History

·       Irish Music

·       Music Performance

·       Technology in Music

·       Ukulele playing

·       Percussion

In second and third year students study:

  •        Selected songs and works from various composers throughout history
  •        A range of genres and styles
  •       Chord structure and adding backing chords to compositions
  •        Melody writing
  • ·       Melodic and Rhythmic Dictation
  • ·       Instrumental and Compositional techniques
  • ·       Irish Music
  • ·       Music History
  • ·       Aural Skills
  •         Music Performance
    Technology in music
    Music in TV, film and Advertisements
    Ukulele playing

As well as a written paper in June of Third Year, 30% of the overall marks are awarded for performance in April. The standard required for this performance exam is equivalent to a grade two in a RIAM or ABRSM exam, but students do not need to have taken these exams in order to study music.

In third year the emphasis is on music performance as it is the year in which students sit their practical exam. Performance repertoire can include music from a variety of genres and can be on a combination of instruments. Students can do either a solo or group performance.
CBA’s and Assessment Task: (JC Only)

In second year students are required to do a CBA in composition.

They explore composition in a variety of formats.

For example they compose:

·       Music for advertisement where they create an advertisement for a product of their own choice.

·       Incidental music to go along with a film clip.

·       Music that is influenced by a particular stimulus such as a poem or an historical event.


Composition can be created using music technology, found sounds or music notation. The compositions can be presented in a variety of ways including a written score, a graphic score or as a recording.


In third year students are required to write a programme note for a performance.

Students study a range of musical performances and develop a set of criteria in which they can make a critical assessment of musical performances which will in turn enable students to write a programme note for their CBA and improve their own performance. › music › note-valu.


Musical Maths Game and Teaching Intermediate Note Values


Overviews of the six main periods in music history: Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Twentieth Century. There are biographies of nearly 70 composers.
Textbooks for Current cohort  for Relevant Year groups:


Sounds good 1, by Laura Lynch in  first year


Sounds good 2, by Laura Lynch in 2nd year

Other required material:
Textbooks for Current cohort  for Relevant Year groups:


Sounds good 1, by Laura Lynch in  first year


Sounds good 2, by Laura Lynch in 2nd & 3rd years

Other required material:

·       Music manuscript

·       B pencil and eraser.

·       Copybook and plastic envelope folder to hold sheet music.


All music students are provided with a pigeon hole in the music room, in order to store their books and folders.
Career opprtunities :

Music teaching, performance, arranging, composing, arts administration.
Department Members: Denise Glass
Events held through the year:

Christmas concert

Talent show