

Subject : French

Level : Junior Cycle

Teacher : Deirdre O’ Shea, Rachel Stewart, Orlaith Ringrose, Angela McNamara

Brief overview of the subject:


The study of a modern foreign language such as French enables students to build on their language learning in English and Irish in primary school and further develops their skills in and enjoyment of using languages. Language learning is accessible to all students and contributes to their cognitive, personal and social growth by enhancing their communicative and thinking skills, as well as their participation in a global society.


In learning foreign languages, students are actively engaged in activities and tasks which integrate the five language skills of listening, reading, spoken production, spoken interaction and writing. As a result, they communicate with increasing independence, confidence and creativity.


Main areas of study:

STRAND 1: Communicative Competence

Communicative competence is concerned with developing students’ ability to communicate meaningfully in the target language. This strand incorporates five elements, representing the five language skills of listening, reading, spoken production, spoken interaction and writing.


STRAND 2: Language Awareness

Language awareness enhances the students’ general awareness about languages, and incorporates the three elements of reflecting on how the target language works, comparing the target language with other languages students know, and reflecting on their own language-learning strategies


STRAND 3: Socio-Cultural Knowledge and Intercultural awareness

Socio-cultural knowledge and intercultural awareness, gives students access to new cultural dimensions and encourages them to reflect on their own culture. The three elements of this strand develop students’ knowledge of the countries and cultures related to the target languages, and enable them to make comparisons with their own country and culture.

CBA’s and Assessment Task:

CBA1= Oral Communication Task

In completing the oral communication activity, students may use any one of the following formats: interview, role-play, presentation (accompanied by a question-and-answer session), or conversation in response to stimulus material.


CBA2= The Student Language Portfolio

Over the three years of junior cycle, each student develops a language portfolio. The student language portfolio will include a broad range of items, such as written texts, projects, audio-visual materials, learning logs, student reflections and learning goals. It is recognised that in this context the student’s created texts may be presented in different formats—handwritten, digital, multi-modal, and so on.

Students complete a formal written Assessment Task to be submitted to the State Examinations Commission for marking along with the final examination for modern foreign languages. It is allocated 10% of the marks used to determine the grade awarded by the State Examinations Commission.

Link to syllabus :
Department Members:

Deirdre O’ Shea

Rachel Stewart

Orlaith Ringrose

Angela McNamara

Textbooks for Current cohort  for Relevant Year groups:

Bienvenue 1 & 2

J’écoute, je lis, j’écris

Je Comprends Bien Audio Book

Exam Papers

Other required material:


Hardback A4 Copy as Portfolio


Useful Websites and Online Resources:
